Report problems from unpackaged executables to FAF server

Posted by Matej Habrnal on November 1, 2017

Until this moment it was not able to report problems from unpackaged executables because no package information can be obtained from those executables, even a component name which is very important for problem reporting. In this article is described how to configure ABRT and FAF server to achieve this.

How to allow reporting of those problems on a client side?

This feature is introduced in abrt-2.10.5 (libreport-2.9.3). You have to do one step to allow this feature, set the ProcessUnpackaged option to yes in /etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf.

It can be done by following command:

# augtool set /files/etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf/ProcessUnpackaged yes

Catching problems from unpackaged executables

If you want to report problems which come from unpackaged executables, you have to, at first, allow catching such problems. It can be done be editing of /etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf, option ProcessUnpackaged has to have yes value.

It can be done by following command:

# augtool set /files/etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf/ProcessUnpackaged yes

You can test catching of unpackaged problems by following commands:

$ echo -e "#include <stdlib.h> \nint main(){abort();}" | \
    gcc -xc -o /tmp/crash_unpack - ; \
    /tmp/crash_unpack; rm -f /tmp/crash_unpack
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ abrt-cli ls
id b03171d429ee5a9220435a7606ee71ff83752458
reason:         crash_unpack killed by SIGABRT
time:           Thu 02 Nov 2017 04:38:47 PM CET
cmdline:        /tmp/crash_unpack
uid:            1000 (mhabrnal)
count:          3
Directory:      /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-11-02-16:38:47.202850-3903

Python scripts executed from relative path

If you want to catch unhandled python exception from scripts which are run without full path in sys.argv[0], you have to set option RequireAbsolutePath to no in /etc/abrt/plugins/python3.conf (respectively /etc/abrt/plugins/python.conf for Python2).

It can be done by following command:

# augtool set /files/etc/abrt/plugins/python3.conf/RequireAbsolutePath yes

How to report problems automatically?

If you want to report all problem automatically, use abrt-auto-reporting tool to allow this.

# abrt-auto-reporting enabled

How to allow receiving of those problems on FAF server?

If you are using FAF in a container FAF in a container, receiving problems from unpackaged executables is enabled by default.

In other cases, you have to enable it in /etc/faf/faf.conf (allow-unpackaged = True).