Catching Python3 exceptions in RHEL7

Posted by Matej Habrnal on July 4, 2017

Python3 was not available in RHEL7 for a long time hence ABRT did not contain addon for catching such exceptions.

Since Python3 (python34 package) has been introduced in epel7 we added the python3 addon to epel7 so now ABRT can catch Python3 exceptions, analyze and then report them (bugzilla, FAF, email, …).

This all is now able because we’ve introduced abrt-addon-python3 package in epel7 repository.

All you have to do is just install abrt-addon-python3 package on your RHEL7 from epel7 repository.

# yum install abrt-addon-python3

How to test it

The easiest way how to test the new addon is by will_python3_raise python3 script which raises python3 exception. The script is part of will-crash package (epel7 repository).

$ will_python3_raise