Java exceptions from container

Posted by Matej Habrnal on May 22, 2018

As you know from a previous blog post, lately we have been dealing with catching unhandled exceptions from inside of containers.

In this blog post, we would like to introduce a new language we are capable of doing that for. The language is JAVA.

We’ve taken ABRT’s tool abrt-java-connector which catches java’s exceptions and we’ve added a new option cel there. The cel option turns on writing exceptions to container-exception-logger. For more information about abrt-java-connector options see abrt-java-connector readme. Also, a new package abrt-java-connector-container was released. It contains a minimal set of files needed for container exception logging.

How to make it work in a container

If you use executables which load /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions file (for instance will_java_throw shipped by package will-crash), you only need to have package abrt-java-connector-container installed. This is default in Fedora.

Content of will_java_throw executable:

$ cat /usr/bin/will_java_throw
 export MAIN_CLASS
 . /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions
 set_classpath "willcrash/willuncaught.jar"

In other cases you have to load shared native library (.so) /usr/lib/abrt-java-connector/ into VM using either -agentlib or -agentpath command line parameter. The first parameter requires the library’s file name and works only if the library is placed in one of the ld searched directories or a directory included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The latter command line argument works with an arbitrary, valid absolute path pointing to the library.

$ java -agentlib:abrt-java-connector=cel=on $MyClass -platform.jvmtiSupported true

For more information see abrt-java-connector readme.

Example (exception in container -> host’s systemd journal log)

Inside of container:
[root@049e3e4b7233 tmp]# will_java_throw
Can't open '/usr/share/abrt/conf.d/plugins/java.conf': No such file or directory
Can't open '/etc/abrt/plugins/java.conf': No such file or directory
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard(
	at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard(
	at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard(
	at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard(
	at WontCatchNullPointerException.die(
	at WontCatchNullPointerException.main(
Host’s systemd journal:
# journalctl -f
May 22 14:40:19 localhost.localdomain dockerd-current[972]:
container-exception-logger - {"type": "Java", "executable":
"/usr/share/java/willcrash/willuncaught.jar", "reason": "Uncaught exception
java.lang.NullPointerException in method
WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard()", "backtrace": "Exception in thread
"main" java.lang.NullPointerException\n        at
at WontCatchNullPointerException.die(
at WontCatchNullPointerException.main(
"uid": "0", "abrt-java-connector": "1.1.1-3ec4e6c"}